Account authorisation – owner to tenant
- Upon receipt of this authorisation a Change of Tenancy will be conducted by Busselton Water. I, the property owner, authorise Busselton Water to debit this fee to my Busselton Water account.
- The water volume invoice for the above property will be directed to the tenant. A copy of the invoice will be directed to the property owner/s or their property manager.
- The water service charge will be directed to the property owner/s, or their property manager as indicated.
- All tenancy changes must be advised by the property owner. Failure to advise Busselton Water of tenancy changes will result in the full account directed to the property owner/s.
- All unpaid accounts will be the responsibility of the property owner/s (as per S126, Water Services Act 2012).
- If the water volume invoice is not paid by its due date, and no arrangement for payment is made by the tenant the arrangement will be cancelled and the debt will be transferred to the owners account.
- All debt recovery will be addressed to the property owner/s.