Understand your bill
Water is charged in tiers as you use more over the course of a year. Reducing the amount of water you consume can mean a double saving – you’ll be charged for less water and the cost per kilolitre can also go down. We call it stepped billing and you can read all about it in this fact sheet.
There are three billing periods each year and the rate you pay increases over the 12 months as you consume more water. That explains why your bill can be higher at the end of the billing cycle – even if you haven’t used as much water during that period as you have at earlier times in the year.
Here are the current water consumption charges approved by the WA Minister for Water which show how the six pricing tiers work.
If you are having trouble reading your water account, this illustration may help. If you have any other questions, please give us a call or drop in and see one of our friendly customer service staff.