Access to your meter
It is important that your meter is unobstructed and easily and safely accessible. As a Busselton Water customer, your property is fitted with a sophisticated radio frequency (RF) meter which means we don’t have to enter your property to read your water meter, but we do need access to make repairs, conduct maintenance or upgrade your meter from time to time.
Under section 129 of the Water Services Code of Conduct (Customer Service Standards) 2024, Busselton Water may enter a property without consent, notice or warrant to read a meter connected to the licensee’s water service works.
If our meter technician isn’t able to access your meter, or there is a dog on your property, we will leave a card asking you to call us and make other arrangements. You can also ask to have your meter read at other times by completing a meter read request. If you think your meter is faulty you can ask to have it tested.
Water meters are installed approximately 150mm to 250mm above ground level and it is up to you, the owner or occupier of the land, to maintain a clear space of at least 300mm on each side and 1200mm above the meter. You can help us by:
- Pruning overgrown vegetation/debris
- Clearing away excess sand and mulch
- If necessary, applying to have your meter relocated.