Interacting with our field teams

Busselton Water and its contractors regularly undertake maintenance works in areas accessible to the public, such as near pedestrian pathways, roads or schools. These areas become temporary worksites which can be unsafe for members of the public.
Whilst we acknowledge you may like to know what may be happening, we kindly ask that the community follows these simple rules to ensure everyone’s safety, which is our number one priority:

- Stop – refrain from stepping into the work zone clearly marked with signs, cones and/or Busselton Water vehicles.
- Keep a safe distance – always remain two metres away from the site and workers (this includes people and vehicles).
- Call – if you have any queries or concerns regarding the work being undertaken, call our customer service team on 9781 0500.
Signs of work underway
There is a variety of different situations which result in our team needing to conduct work in and around community spaces, such as scheduled maintenance, mains breaks or unplanned outages. These situations often mean that some properties are temporarily without water supply.
Wherever possible, we provide our customers with advance notice of these types of work, particularly home or business owners that may be located close to the site.
However, in the case of unplanned outages/works, there may not be the opportunity or time for us to give you prior notification of works.
When work is underway, there will be signs and cones clearly marking our team’s work area. If works are close to a road or we require a larger work area, a traffic management specialist may also be onsite to manage diversion of traffic.
Our work is almost always below ground and requires excavation, creating obvious hazards involving operating equipment and trip hazards/holes, should a member of the public enter the work area.
We ask you to please kindly respect our workers’ space to help to keep them safe and allow them to concentrate whilst they are hard at work restoring your water supply.
Please note: If pedestrians or unauthorized vehicles enter the worksite, all work may need to cease, taking longer to return water supply to normal.