It’s time to switch-off!

The state-wide winter sprinkler switch-off comes into force next Saturday (1 June) and will apply to all scheme and bore users.

Busselton Water Managing Director Chris Elliott said that the state-wide switch-off over the winter period is important given the current impacts of climate change.

“We need to protect our water source and save it for when we need it most over the drier months,” said Mr Elliott. “So when the first day of winter hints, we’re expecting everyone to switch their thinking on watering days by switching off their sprinklers and leave watering to Mother Nature.”

“Water is a finite resource, we need to effectively manage it now so that future generations can be assured they will have enough for when they need it.”

The switch-off period runs between 1 June and 31 August and applies in Perth, Mandurah and most other parts of the South West. Householders using their sprinklers during the switch-off period risk a $100 fine.

Hand watering and pressure testing of bores is permitted once a week on normal watering days, either before 9am or after 6pm, for two minutes per station.

Those wishing to report incidents of sprinkler misuse or needing more information can call the Busselton Water customer service team on 9781 0500 or visit