No Guzzlers Here – Locals Committed to Waterwise Action
Posted: 14 March 2018
Busselton Water has commended Ambergate residents Heather and Dennis Grimwood for the sustainable management of water at their 6,700sqm property in celebration of World Water Day (22 March).
Located six kilometres east of Busselton, the Grimwood’s expansive acreage is carved out of subdivided former farms and includes a large 411sqm house and shed – meaning they could have been thirsty water guzzlers!
But proving that size is no barrier, since moving from Perth over three years ago, the couple has been committed to conserving water and has now been recognised as exemplars of the Waterwise Household in Action program.
Busselton Water CEO Chris Elliott said World Water Day is the perfect time to acknowledge households who are committed to saving water all year-round.
“World Water Day turns the world’s attention to the importance and sustainability of water. The Grimwood’s are the perfect role models for their sustainable water management within their household,” Mr Elliott said.
“We’re proud to see our customers committing to a waterwise lifestyle – and we encourage more people to consider how they too can save water around their home or workplace.”
The Grimwoods said they assessed their property for water-saving opportunities and are doing whatever they can to preserve water.
“We’ve implemented a range of waterwise measures including a 130,000-litre tank which collects rainwater run-off from our roof. It provides most of household water consumption needs,” said Heather.
“And through our below-ground aerated wastewater treatment tank, our sewage is turned into a high-quality water supply for our lawn.
“Local native species are also perfect for our garden, which is thriving without the need for reticulation. There are so many beautiful drought-resistant trees that will also be perfect for the tree line we’re creating on our boundary.”
World Water Day is held every year on 22 March and this year’s theme focuses on exploring nature-based solutions to water challenges faced in the twenty-first century. For more information visit