Reducing our carbon footprint
Posted: 16 March 2018
Busselton Water is focusing on reducing our carbon footprint and our energy consumption with the installation of more than 300 solar panels at the Water Treatment Plant 2 operations.
The solar panels are expected to save the corporation almost $40,000 ex GST each year in electricity costs and will significantly reduce our carbon footprint.
Approximately 15 per cent of power use will be offset each year or 142.69MWh annually. The reduction in carbon dioxide is equivalent to taking 21 passenger cars off the road and recycling more than 30 tonnes of waste.
To put the installation in perspective, an average sized house would require 3kW solar system and Busselton Water is installing a 100kw system – one of the largest in the South West area.
Plant 2, located on Queen Elizabeth Avenue, is one of three water treatment plants operated by Busselton Water, supplying 63% of Busselton’s water.
Busselton Water is now looking into other areas of the corporation which could benefit from solar.