Planning for growth

Busselton is located in one of the fastest growing regions in Western Australia. Our vibrant town has a flourishing residential and business community and our spectacular region remains ever-popular with tourists and other visitors.
As Busselton’s drinking water provider, one of our most important responsibilities is to maintain the supply of fresh, high-quality drinking water to our community as it grows.
By the end of this decade, we will need to provide around 25% more water for our community than we do today.
To supply this additional water will require more groundwater extraction and treatment than our current network of bores and treatment plants can deliver – so we’re considering how best to expand to service a larger community.
We also know that our traditional coastal bore network is unsustainable due to the impacts of climate change. Within 50 years, our coastal bores will be impacted by saltwater intrusion, making the water too salty to extract for drinking water.
To support this growth, Busselton Water is in the early planning stages for a new water treatment plant (known as Plant 8) and new bore (Bore 22) to secure our region’s water future.
This new infrastructure is proposed to be located further inland, on a four-hectare site approximately five kilometres from the coast opposite the Busselton-Margaret River Airport.