Registering for MyBusseltonWater
Does it cost anything to register for MyBW?
No. MyBusseltonWater is free to use.
Why should I register?
By registering for MyBusseltonWater you’ll be able to manage your Busselton Water account all in a few clicks including but not limited to:
- Pay your bill online in one quick and easy payment
- See how much water you’re using
- Know when your meter readings are happening
- Access your bill history
- Change your address online
- Easy access to other services like direct debit and paperless billing
- Request a payment extension
Do I have to be a Busselton Water customer to register for MyBW?
Yes. To register you will need to be a Busselton Water customer with a Busselton Water account number.
Can I opt out of MyBusseltonWater at any time?
Absolutely. To opt out at any time you just need to contact Busselton Water on 08 9781 0500.
What’s the difference between signing up as a residential customer and business customer?
Registering as a residential or business customer means you can check your account balance, pay your bill, set up direct debit, view water use, extend payment dates and much more. The only difference between signing up as a residential customer or as a business customer is the nature of the account – being either a household or a commercial enterprise.
What do I need to register for MyBusseltonWater?
Residential customers will need your Busselton Water account number and latest invoice number found, both of which can be found on your water bill. You will also be asked to provide your personal details – full name, preferred contact phone number and email address.
For business customers, you will need:
- your business account number and latest invoice number;
- your Busselton Water registered Organisation Name (Entity or Trading Name)
- a preferred contact phone number and email address; and
- your organisation’s name and ABN.
Where do I find my Busselton Water account number and my invoice number?
On your most recent water bill, in the grey right-hand section on the first page includes both your account number and invoice number.
What do I do if I do not have a copy of my latest bill or haven’t received it yet?
If you do not have a copy of your latest bill, please contact Busselton Water on 9781 0500.
Is my MyBusseltonWater login different to my property account number?
Yes. Your MyBusseltonWater login is the email address and password you set up when you registered for the online service. Your account number is attached to a property to which Busselton Water provides water services. Each account you have will be visible on MyBusseltonWater.