Wipe out your sprinkler use this winter
Posted: 23 May 2018
The state-wide winter sprinkler ban commences on Friday 1 June and Busselton Water is encouraging all customers to wipe out their sprinkler use this winter.
Busselton Water CEO Chris Elliott said customers need to think carefully about how they use water this winter and allow the rain to water gardens and lawns as much as possible.
“Sprinklers and reticulation systems cannot be used at any time during the winter ban or households could risk a $100 fine. This ban applies to all scheme and bore water use.
“Last winter, between June and August, 16,000kL more water was used than the same timeframe the previous year.
“This winter we would like to reduce water use in the Busselton area and the first step is turning off all sprinklers and reticulation systems on or before Friday 1 June.”
People of all ages in the community are responsible for reducing water use and some of our local children have been doing their part to save water around the home. They’ve told Busselton Water their top tips:
“Don’t leave reticulation on when it’s raining,” said 11 year-old Jemma Batterbee.
“Catch rain in tub when there’s a storm,” said 10 year-old Kelani Trott.
“Collect water from the rain for the inside plants too,” said 5 year-old Eva Patterson.
“Not watering the garden too often,” said 6 year-old Oliver Gradisen.
The winter sprinkler ban applies in Perth, Mandurah, and most other parts of the South West. Hand watering and pressure testing of bores is permitted once a week on your normal rostered watering days, before 9am or after 6pm, for two minutes per station.
Those using sprinklers between 1 June and 31 August risk being fined $100.
For more information call the Busselton Water customer service team on 9781 0500 or visit busseltonwater.wa.gov.au.