MyBusseltonWater Help
MyBusseltonWater is an online self-service website where you can manage your own water account. It allows you to view your account balance, water use details, update your personal details, request a payment extension, view your bill online, and set up and manage direct debits and paperless billing. If you have a question on how to use MyBusseltonWater explore the help section below or contact us.
Please note: The water use data shown in MyBusseltonWater should only be used as a guide and may differ to actual water use for a variety of reasons including rounded numbers, device damage or fault causing the reading device to stop.
Registering for MyBusseltonWater
Does it cost anything to register for MyBW?
No. MyBusseltonWater is free to use.
Why should I register?
By registering for MyBusseltonWater you’ll be able to manage your Busselton Water account all in a few clicks including but not limited to:
- Pay your bill online in one quick and easy payment
- See how much water you’re using
- Know when your meter readings are happening
- Access your bill history
- Change your address online
- Easy access to other services like direct debit and paperless billing
- Request a payment extension
Do I have to be a Busselton Water customer to register for MyBW?
Yes. To register you will need to be a Busselton Water customer with a Busselton Water account number.
Can I opt out of MyBusseltonWater at any time?
Absolutely. To opt out at any time you just need to contact Busselton Water on 08 9781 0500.
What’s the difference between signing up as a residential customer and business customer?
Registering as a residential or business customer means you can check your account balance, pay your bill, set up direct debit, view water use, extend payment dates and much more. The only difference between signing up as a residential customer or as a business customer is the nature of the account – being either a household or a commercial enterprise.
What do I need to register for MyBusseltonWater?
Residential customers will need your Busselton Water account number and latest invoice number found, both of which can be found on your water bill. You will also be asked to provide your personal details – full name, preferred contact phone number and email address.
For business customers, you will need:
- your business account number and latest invoice number;
- your Busselton Water registered Organisation Name (Entity or Trading Name)
- a preferred contact phone number and email address; and
- your organisation’s name and ABN.
Where do I find my Busselton Water account number and my invoice number?
On your most recent water bill, in the grey right-hand section on the first page includes both your account number and invoice number.
What do I do if I do not have a copy of my latest bill or haven’t received it yet?
If you do not have a copy of your latest bill, please contact Busselton Water on 9781 0500.
Is my MyBusseltonWater login different to my property account number?
Yes. Your MyBusseltonWater login is the email address and password you set up when you registered for the online service. Your account number is attached to a property to which Busselton Water provides water services. Each account you have will be visible on MyBusseltonWater.
Using MyBusseltonWater
Which web browsers can I use to access MyBusseltonWater?
MyBusseltonWater will function fully on the following web browsers:
- Chrome (versions 41, 42 and 43)
- Firefox (versions 37, 38 and 39)
- Internet Explorer (versions 10 and 11)
- Safari (versions 6, 7 and 8)
Functionality may be limited on other browsers.
How do I change my password?
Under the profile tab, click the ‘change password’ button. It will then send a link to your nominated email address. You then need to open the email and click the hyperlink to change your password.
How do I change my name?
Once logged in, under ‘Request’ there’s an option to change your name. To change your name you’ll need to upload a copy of your Marriage Certificate, Change of Name Certificate, Birth Certificate or Driver’s Licence.
How do I change my address?
Once logged in, under ‘Request’ there’s an option to ‘Change Address’. You’ll be able to see your current address and there will be a section for you to enter your new address.
Why are some functions greyed out? Why can’t I access them?
If you are a tenant of a property, you may not be able to see all of the data on the account for privacy reasons.
What do I do if I’m moving or selling?
When selling or buying a property we will be informed of the sale or purchase details by your settlement agent. The settlement agent will also organise a final water meter reading on your behalf. Once you’ve moved you’ll need to contact us to update your contact details. Once the property has sold you will still be able to see your old water bills for that property in your MyBusseltonWater account.
If I have to supply attachments to support updated my details, what format should they be in?
Jpeg or PDF are preferred and the maximum size of each attachment is 6MB.
Can I update my account details for all my properties at once?
Yes. If you change your name using MyBusseltonWater it will apply across all of your properties. Should you wish to change the name on only one account, please contact Busselton Water on 9781 0500.
Is my banking and card information safe?
Busselton Water uses BPOINT for all credit card payments through MyBusseltonWater. BPOINT is a secure card payment collection portal provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA).
However, if you prefer not to provide credit card details, direct debit can also be arranged for automatic payment of your water account.
How does paperless billing work?
If you have signed up for paperless billing (also known as e-billing), rather than receiving a paper copy of your bill in the mail, you will receive an email to your nominated email address. A PDF copy of the bill will be included as an attachment on the email.
Using the link on the email, you will also be able to log directly into MyBusseltonWater to pay your account.
By signing up to paperless billing you will also be helping the environment – did you know to produce one A4 piece of paper it takes 10 litres of water?
What is direct debit?
A direct debit payment is an automatic transfer of money from one person’s account to another. Direct debits are processed electronically and are typically used for recurring payments.
How do I set up a direct debit?
You can set up direct debit payments in MyBusseltonWater. Once logged in, under the ‘Request’ tab there is an option to set up direct debit.
To set it up, you’ll be asked to confirm the property(ies)/account(s) for which you wish to set up direct debit payment. You will also need to provide your BSB and bank account number, and name on bank account.
Your direct debit will begin as of the next bill you receive, unless you elect to pay the outstanding amount at the time of setting up your direct debit.
Can I set up a direct debit but choose how much and how often I pay?
Yes. You can set up a direct debit payment schedule that suits you.
You may choose to have the full amount of your bill debited on the due date, or you can set up a payment at a frequency and an amount that suits you. For example you can set up a direct debit to pay $100 per month.
How do I update my bank account details in MyBusseltonWater?
MyBusseltonWater only stores bank account details for direct debit payments. Manual online payments will require your bank or credit card details to be entered each time you pay a bill.
Should you wish to change or update your direct debit bank account details, you can do so using MyBusseltonWater by completing the ‘Sign up for Direct Debit’ form. Once submitted, you’ll be asked if you wish to update your current bank account details to those you will have just submitted on the form. If you have any issues please contact Busselton Water on 9781 0500.
Can I see bills that were issued and payments that were made before I registered for MyBusseltonWater?
Yes. Both on your accounts page and the ‘Search Bills’ page you can see your previous bills. You can also see previous payments on the ‘Search Payments’ page.
What is a payment extension? And how can I request one?
In certain circumstances, Busselton Water may grant you an extension on the due date of your current bill. On the Accounts page you will find a button which enables you to request a payment extension from Busselton Water.
What is a payment arrangement? And can I set up a payment arrangement using MyBusseltonWater?
A payment arrangement allows you to pay your bills in a different way. This may be smaller amounts, or may be more or less frequently than usual payments. Payment arrangements are tailored to the individual customer and their circumstances – and because of this you cannot set one up using MyBusseltonWater. Instead, please contact Busselton Water on 9781 0500.
How can I get a paper copy of my bill/s?
You can either print the water bill yourself from the Accounts or Search Payments page on MyBusseltonWater. Or, if you would like one provided by Busselton Water, please contact our customer services team on 9781 0500.
How do I request a refund if I’ve overpaid my bill?
To request a refund, please visit and follow the steps, or alternatively contact Busselton Water to request a hard copy of the Request for Reimbursement of Funds form.
Bills for my account are currently being issued to my managing agent or a tenant. How can I see these bills in MyBusseltonWater?
Bills which are issued directly to your agent or a tenant can be viewed in MyBusseltonWater if you choose paperless billing for your accounts. Simply go to the ‘Request’ tab and select ‘Email Invoices’.
Can more than one person register for a MyBusseltonWater account for the same property?
Yes. If you are registered with Busselton Water as an owner, tenant or managing agent for a property you can set up your own account. For example, a married couple can each have an account for the one house they jointly own as long as both people are registered as the property owners with Busselton Water.
My water use
Where can I see my average daily water use?
To calculate your average daily water use, go to your ‘Water Use’ section on the ‘My Account’ page. Select the period you wish to view (being mindful that this will only show you cycle to cycle) and choose the ‘Daily Average (Litres)’ option. The graph will then show you your average daily water use.
You can also see whether you are using more water than our water target per person. Simply select the drop-down box and the red line will show how the average daily use per person in your household compares to the targeted daily use per person.
Why is my water use bill so high?
There are a number of factors that can contribute to your water use bill increasing in both the total dollar value and/or the kilolitres recorded.
Total dollar value increase
You can check your current bill and see if you have been charged at a higher price per kilolitre than you were on your previous account.
Water use is charged at an increasing price per kilolitre as you use more water during the reading year. The water use charge is reset at the lowest price per kilolitre when a new reading year commences on 1 July. The back of your residential water use bill will show you what rate you have been charged for your water use, as well as the anticipated rate you will be charged on your next bill.
You can check your current bill to see if you have been charged at the higher rate per kilolitre for the current reading period than that of the previous period by checking your previous bill. Your past bills are available in the Account section of MyBusseltonWater.
It is also important to remember that more water is generally used in a reading period that includes hot summer months compared to cooler winter months. Consequently bills for more water used in hotter summer months may have a higher dollar value.
Total kilolitres increase
If there’s an unusual spike in the number of kilolitres of water you have used, it’s worth some quick questions:
- Have you had any leaks or bursts repaired? You may be eligible for an allowance to offset the water lost provided a licensed plumber has made the repairs. We need you to complete the Leak Allowance Application Form found under Forms and Applications of the Busselton Water website and provide us with the plumber’s report for the leak or burst repairs.
- Have you changed your watering patterns (e.g. new gardens/lawns or now use irrigation)?
- Have you had any new fittings (e.g. taps) installed and/or internal pipes changed?
- Have you filled a new pool or topped the pool level up more regularly?
- Have you installed any new or additional appliances (e.g. dishwasher, washing machine)?
- Do you think there was a meter reading error? To check, read your meter and compare it to the meter reading shown on the back of your bill. Your meter reading should be slightly higher than the reading shown on the bill. If the reading you have taken is less than the reading shown on the bill, a meter reading error may have been made. We need you to advise us.
- Do you think you have a hidden internal leak? To check, turn off all taps and water-using devices and read the black and red numbers of your meter. Wait for at least 15 minutes (recommended one hour), and then read your meter again. If the numbers have changed, this test confirms you have a leak and we suggest that you employ a licensed plumber to locate the leak and repair it.
What does the ‘meter volume’ graph tell me?
The meter volume graph indicates the amount of water used at your property within a given period. Depending on the type of meter installed at your property, this will be shown as either monthly data or daily data. It will be different to what is on your water bill due to the time period covered – your bill shows total volume over a four month period, whereas this graph shows daily or monthly volume.
Why is no data showing up on my ‘Water Use for a Period’ page?
If there is no data available this could mean that there may have been a communication issue during the last meter reading. Please contact Busselton Water on 9781 0500.